Repairs & Servicing

At South Norfolk Mobility Centre we don’t just sell scooters, we have a full service and repair workshop too. This includes computer diagnostic equipment for battery testing, fault finding and re-programming.

When you buy a Mobility Scooter you need the peace of mind that should anything go wrong, you have the back-up of a company that cares about your needs. This is when we have our chance to demonstrate to our customers the difference between the mail order or internet companies and our personal service.

Owner Michael Lockwood has a wealth of experience, including building CNC computerised router systems. His in depth knowledge and expertise has solved many ‘mystery’ problems with scooters and powerchairs. Stripping and rebuilding gearboxes can be undertaken where economically viable.

Approved to carry out repair and accident damage work for First Senior Insurance Services Ltd, we take pride in with getting you mobile again as soon as possible.

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